Unique set of Soviet WW2 era paper money. These are made of high quality scans of originals. Printed on thin 80g natural paper, will wear out nicely when carried in a wallet. Perfect and unique filler for wallets, offices etc. Authentic size 1:1.
Set contains 30 banknotes. Please read full description.
Unique set of German WW2 era paper money. These are made of high quality scans of originals. Printed on thin 80g natural paper, will wear out nicely when carried in a wallet. Perfect and unique filler for wallets, offices etc. Authentic size 1:1.
Set contains 39 banknotes. Please read full description.
Unique reprint of 1945 banknote of Slovak State which did not enter circulation. Printed on natural paper.
Set of 3 pieces.
New colorful set of German army section flags such as Nebeltruppe, Marine, Jagdflieger, Pioniere, Gebirgsjäger, Artillerie, Nachrichten Truppe, Panzerabwehr etc. Set includes 18 various postcards with the flag emblem. Printed on nice old-fashioned paper as other sets.
Back side has preprinted feldpost form for your personal handwritten greetings.
Cheap solution for filling your Kartentasche with some useful content. Great also for desk setup display.
5 pencils and 1 ruler available in LW property variant.
We are announcing one of our best products of 2024. We copied original 1941 Kalender. Each week is on separate sheet, which wartime drawing can also serve as postcards (Printed on natural 250g paper). Each page is perforated for easier tearing. Read more!
Cheap solution for filling your Kartentasche with some useful content. Great also for desk setup display.
5 pencils and 1 ruler available in SS property variant.
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from series "Vesela Vojna" of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Depicting issuing equipment and uniforms in army depots.
Includes 3 postcards.
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from series "Vesela Vojna" of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Depicting receiving and unpacking packages from home.
Includes 3 postcards.
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from series "Vesela Vojna" of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Depicting having fun during preparation of straw bags.
Includes 3 postcards.
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards series of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Depicting theoretical course of shooting for 1 ČSR army units.
Includes 3 postcards.
The General Assault Badge was a military decoration awarded to soldiers and Ordnungspolizei who supported an infantry attack but were not part of specific infantry units and therefore did not qualify for the Infantry Assault Badge.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Decorative folk motif celebrating Andrej Hlinka.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Folk theme with the first Slovak president Jozef Tiso with slovak army.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Folk theme with the first Slovak president Jozef Tiso.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Campaign for health in the nation.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. National motives.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Depicting motive of Slovak National Uprising. Originally printed from Communist party funds.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
3.59€ (3.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of popular postcards from era of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Depicting declaration of Hlinka Garde units.
Includes 3 postcards.
We were able to pair our production with original unused WW2 SS Soldbuch. Check the details and comparison! Extra thinner pages and authentic cardboard cover makes it probably one of the best on the market. For the most demanding customers.
Empty book, ready to fill with your historical impression.
Small addition to funk collection. Richtlinien für die Ausbildung in Funksprechverkehr printed from online source with slightly enhanced quality. Interesting information for all signal enthusiast. Handy A6 format.
1 piece, 40 pages.
We replicated another original feldpost box - this time something not so usual. Slightly yellow, prefolded 3-layered cardboard to obtain the wavy surface. No need to glue or cut, simply fold all the lines and push corners inside. Easily openable with handy system. Comes unfolded. Label clean. 1 piece.
Quality reproduction of battery manual in authentic A4 format on natural paper. Over 120 pages, book contain complete information and attachments about Nickelsammler and Bleisammler, Ladegleichrichter, technical description, connections, various calculations. E.g. 12 B 105, 2 B 38, 2 B 19, 8 NC 10, 4,8 NC 5, 12 NC 26...
This unique set contains enough forms for basic trainings. 9 Various types of blocks, booklets and forms to be used in Funkstelle, Meldetasche or as a filler of standard radio related transport boxes. Enjoy authentic paper structure and top quality print. Suitable for filling FU-24, FU-52, FU-83 Schreibgerät and others.
Nice A5 form booklet for keeping records about radio messages. Based on original examples from 1940 era. Light blue cover and natural book papers. Fits to Meldetasche. Collumns contain Record order, date and hours, receiver and signature.
Contains 32 pages.
Standard A4 message form printed on pink background. Transmission possible by Fernspruch, Posttelegramm or Fernschreiben. Comes as 10 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
10 sheets printed on natural paper.
Universal A5 Meldetasche compatibile size. Message form for various communication: Blinkspruch, Fernspruch, Fernschreiber and Funkspruch. Could be filled by Enigma message stripes or typewritter or handwritten. Comes as 20 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
Nicely reworked Kriegsmarine A5 forms. These Schlüsselvorzettel (Key Note) were to be attached to a deciphered message. Common German Navy message form suitable for taking down messages in groups of 4 letters.
Contains 20 sheets.
Universal A4 message form for various communication: Blinkspruch, Fernspruch, Fernschreiber and Funkspruch. Could be filled by Enigma message stripes or typewritter or handwritten. Comes as 20 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
20 sheets printed on natural paper.
Standard A4 message form of transmitting content. Could be filled by Enigma message stripes or typewritter or handwritten. Comes as 20 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
20 sheets printed on natural paper. Blue indicates outgoing messages.
Standard A4 message form of transmitting content. Could be filled by Enigma message stripes or typewritter or handwritten. Comes as 20 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
20 sheets printed on natural paper. Green indicates HQ backup copies.
Standard A4 message form of transmitting content. Could be filled by Enigma message stripes or typewritter or handwritten. Comes as 20 separate sheets. You can punch holes on the left to put groupings in a folders.
20 sheets printed on natural paper. Red indicates incomming messages.
Nicely reworked Kriegsmarine A4 forms with sharp graphics. Common German Navy message form suitable for taking down messages in groups of 4 letters. Comes binded in 20 sheet block with perforated top edge. You can punch holes on the left to put in a folder.
1 notepad contains 20 sheets.
A very practical sheets for anyone working in WW2 hobby industry. Make invoices in correct historical way! These are nice addition to office desk set anyway. Full of pages ready to be filled in. Also for German army purposes.
1 notepad includes 50 pre-perforated pages.
Quality field phone instructional booklet finally comes on market. These are very hard to come by and rare, despite being supposed to be with the device. Complete your field phone display with authentic A5 format with complete appendix.
This acceptance certificate serves as proof of registration for statutory invalidity insurance and supplementary insurance. More info written inside the booklet.
1 piece A6 format, folded.
Interesting reproduction of German wartime log book for service vehicles. Contains nice era advertisement. Comes in handy pocket A6 format. Detailed printing quality for best experience.
Contains 40 pages, to keep 95 records.
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen Urkunde diploma for frontline fighting. It was awarded was awarded to infantry soldiers.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen Urkunde diploma for frontline fighting. It was awarded to motorized/Mechanized Infantry troops.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Wound badge diploma suitable for black - silver - gold, just fill what suit you. Fill with typewritter or handwritten, add stamp (or use our custom made stamps).
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Nahkampfspange diploma. Fill with typewritter or handwritten, add stamp (or use our custom made stamps).
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse diploma. Fill with typewritter or handwritten, add stamp (or use our custom made stamps).
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse diploma. Fill with typewritter or handwritten, add stamp (or use our custom made stamps).
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Demjanskschild diploma. Fill with typewritter or handwritten, add stamp (or use our custom made stamps).
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. klasse mit schwertern diploma.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Nice display set for signal corner with Feldfu or similar radios. Contains two booklets and two separate additions including technical schemas and simple nstructions about correct usage in the field. Overall a lot of interesting reading.
Comes from online source. Some pages might be incomplete.
Interesting booklet about building camps and shelters. Although not directly dedicated for military use, the paramilitary advices are very practical.
Contains 36 pages with many ilustrations and good tips.
The small caliber shooting within a handy booklet in authentic format , language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Gas protection and gas types within a handy booklet in authentic format , language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Discounted price
161.99€ (179.99€)
Unique reproduction of authentic WW2 German Paybook. New typeset and material selection took us months of work. Enjoy the results and read more!
10x empty book, ready for your group in discounted price.
Unique reproduction of authentic WW2 German Paybook. New typeset and material selection took us months of work. Enjoy the results and read more!
Empty book, ready to fill with your historical impression.
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Unique reproduction of authentic WW2 German Paybook. New typeset and material processing took us months of work. Enjoy the results and read more!
Empty book, ready to fill with your historical impression.
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Unique reproduction of authentic WW2 German Paybook. New typeset and material processing took us months of work. Enjoy the results and read more!
10x empty book, ready for your group in discounted price.
Official regulation H. Dv. 469/4 Panzer Abwehr aller Waffen contains many illustration and pages full of instructions about destroying panzers. Enjoy nice quality print with a good looking bind.
Booklet contains 76 pages. Handy pocket A6 format.
Nice set of 4 authentic booklets and brochures for anti-tank fight. Includes interesting Merkblatt 77/2, Anlage zu H.Dv.469/3e, D1864/2 and D1864/6.
Many informations and illustrations on more than 80 pages of authentic content.
A unique reprint of wartime bulletin dedicated to Day of the Wehrmacht celebration in Wien 1941. Contains complete programm list of activities and event meetings. Important information artifact for understanding historical contexts.
Contains 36 pages.
A perfect addition to feldpost, office etc. A complete list of post numbers and areas with instructional information on the first pages. Verzeichnis der Postämter des Reichspostgebiets from 1944.
A4 format, 32 pages.
Original old stock paper (produced cca. 65 years ago) repacked in handy sets. Now discounted so everybody can enjoy the special experience of writing on such thin paper (only 28g/m2). Soldiers always carry some clean letter sheets to write home when time allows. 10x A4 thin Flugpost paper sheets folded to A6 format.
Discounted price
3.20€ (7.99€)
Richtlinien für Sammelanlagen - interesting German regulation for war cementeries from 1944. Not an exact copy, but serves well for understanding basic building and measurement principles. Contains multiple blueprints of wooden gravestones.
28 pages. Smaller format A5.
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Hubertus Meldeblock - a reporting block was usually worn in mapcase. Suitable for group leaders and Melders. Useful for group tactical battles, trainings of frontline situations, marking sentries, practicing observation sketches, making notes.
Includes 25 form sheets and 2 information pages.
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WW1 Germany related feldpost cards. Backside contains form entitled Postkarte, frontside contains german patriotic emblem.
3 WW1 postcards.
Set of postcards dedicated to specific unit Ersatz-Bataillon, Landw. Inf. Regts. Nr 74 Peine. Front side marked Feldpostkarte, backside empty.
3 WW1 postcards.
Interesting set of postcards of the Jungdeutscher Orden, often abbreviated as Jungdo, a large para-military organisation in Weimar Germany. Its name and symbol were inspired by the Teutonic Knights.
3 pre-war postcards.
Reproduction of A5 paper notebooks for recording flights. Reproductions are not very common at all. 100% new typesetting for the best print result quality.
Contains 60 pages.
Pocket handbook for Wehrmacht field chefs, published by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Handy and ilustrated book contain recipes suitable for Afrika and hot countries. Last pages contain sketches of herbs and a short guide for geting supplies in Italian. 104 pages.
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Midwar police magazine from Aprile 1941. Includes many interesting topics, photos and a lot of advertisement on last pages. A lot of reading on 20 pages.
Pretty unique reproduction for enjoying coffee time.
Early war police magazine from February 1939. Includes many interesting topics, photos and a lot of advertisement on last pages. A lot of reading on 40 pages.
Pretty unique reproduction, for some leasure time on events.
Prewar police magazine from November 1937. Includes many interesting topics, photos and a lot of advertisement on last pages. A lot of reading on 44 pages.
Pretty unique reproduction, for some leasure time on events.
A complete view on traffic regulations and advices in wartime Germany. Do you know how to properly avoid marching SA manns? Do you know which vehicles have priority? Find out more from a driver's point of view in this authentic and attractive 4-booklet series.
If you own some veteran vehicle, this is a must for reen events!
Driver in traffic is a nice continuation of the Verkehr instructional booklet series. Do you know how to drive a car properly? Find out more from a driver's point of view in this authentic and attractive booklet.
Total 36 pages. If you own some veteran car, this is a must for reen events!
Coachman in traffic is a nice continuation of the Verkehr instructional booklet series. Although hardly usable today, it offers a nice draw into the past. Find out more in this authentic and attractive booklet.
Total 20 pages.
Cyclists in traffic is a nice continuation of the Verkehr instructional booklet series. Do you know how to ride a bike properly? Find out more from a cyclists point of view in this authentic and attractive booklet.
Total 20 pages.
Reproduction of A5 paper notebooks for recording flights. Reproductions are not very common at all. 100% new typesetting for the best print result quality.
Contains 40 pages.
Discounted price
2.54€ (2.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of official correspondence card (field service postcard) of the (First) Slovak Republic 1939-1945.
Includes 3 postcards.
Discounted price
2.54€ (2.99€)
Cardboard reproduction of official correspondence card (field service postcard) of First Czechoslovak Republic, up to 1938.
Includes 3 postcards.
A very unique reproduction of Slovak dictionary introduced in 1942 due to lack of handbooks and dictionaries. Made of authentic paper and cardboard cover. Very durable and comfortable to wear.
Contains many interesting and useful sentences for troops located on the east.
Handy dictionary made of quality paper and cardboard cover. Very durable and comfortable to wear. Introduced in 1941.
Deutsch-Russisches Wörterbuch includes many important and often used words.
Fits to feldblue pockets. Contains 80 pages.
Big format A4 notebook for whatever you need, taking notes or drawing trench schemes. Blank label for a title of your choice.
Large format is suitable for offices and barracks use.
Thin version, 16 sheets = 32 blank pages.
Mapcase format A5 notebook in WW2 design for whatever you need. Writing comments or drawing trench schemes. Blank label for a title of your choice.
Lightweight (32 pages).
A5 format is suitable for mapcase or rucksack. New 2024 series in feldgrau color.
Personal ID card for traveling with bike in train.
Simple cardboard card to provide authenticity to civic life. Carry in pocket or wallet.
Deutsche Reichsbahn Kranke- und - Sterbegeldzuschutzkasse Ausweis - insurance card against sick and death.
Single cardboard ID to provide authenticity to civic life. Carry in pocket or wallet.
Simple instruction booklet for camera CONTAX II. Includes original photos and description.
Contains 40 pages.
Pedestrians in traffic. Have you ever wondered about road traffic in WW2 germany? Find out more from a pedestrian's point of view in this authentic and attractive booklet.
Total 12 pages.
Quality reproduction of Flakwaffenhelferin ID, identification document for woman Flak helpers. Content is similar to Soldbuch.
Contains 20 pages.
Early war handbook printed in Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren, 1939 with attractive cover design. Brings basic information about German Wehrmacht.
Incl. 48 pages and many photos. Handy A5 format.
Important set of two booklets in handy pocket size. Includes together more than 110 pages, and dozens and dozens of ilustrations.
Two booklets: Bildheft 149c and Merkblatt 41/23.
Popular set of wartime postcards made to promote awareness of the female role during the war. Set contains 20 different postcards, each has short description on the backside. Retouched and full color illustrations will make a nice addition for our women in reenactment.
We really enjoy the barracks atmosphere Thats why we find these depictions fantastic. They display pretty forgotten activities, e.g. morning march for fresh coffee for your roommates, or evening discussions in the canteen.
Set contains 5 different postcards with preprinted backsides.
Pretty attractive set of three postcards! Stamp spot is preprinted with "not worth a penny".
Send to your friends and enjoy some laugh in trenches. Backside is empty, use it for your greetings.
Unique reproduction of original manuals for Sd.Kfz. 303 in A5 format. To be included in demolition device.
Includes 2 manuals D654-10 (instructions) and D654-11 (parts description +ilustrations). Contains also some information about Sd.Kfz. 302.
Useful police personal pocket book in C6 format.
Includes 32 preprinted form pages for keeping records.
Cheap solution for filling your Kartentasche with some useful content. Great also for desk setup display.
5 pencils and 1 ruler available in SS eigentum variant.
Unique reproduction of Kriegsmarine boat diary. Blank documents are ready for your filling. Includes 15x A3 sheets with 60 A4 pages for your own notes. Additional 4x thin papers are marked Geheim (Secret) for drawing sail trajectory.
Comes in black folder with front labels.
Officially Horrido - Des Jaegers Schiessfibel, is the rare and famous german collectors tutorial for pilots.
Contains funny illustrations with captions on 35 pages. Lightblue cover.
General shooting theory. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Wie werde ich Meisterschütze? . In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The rifle 98 . In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The small-caliber shooting. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
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The carbine 98. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The grenade 24. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The flare gun and their use. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The submachine gun. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The machine gun 40. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The pistol 08. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The pistol 38. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The Walther police pistols PP. and PPK. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
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Writing messages and making sketches. We recommend to get also one of our meldeblocks!
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The march compass and its use and the plan pointer and its use. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Precise distance estimates. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.Precise distance estimates with record book. Both booklets are in authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Terrain description and terrain assessment. Booklet is in authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Maps and terrain. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
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The (new) squad. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Exercise and commanding: Individual and group training. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Drill and commanding: correct command and command. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Properly march and everything that goes with it. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
The gas mask model 30. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Booklet: First aid in case of accidents. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
First aid in case of accidents for SA, SS, HJ, Labor Service and Volunteers. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Barracks, parlor and cabinet order. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Drum and banner, songs of German youth. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
What do you need to know about the Third Reich?. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
How to obtain the Reich Sports Badge for Men. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
Waving and Morsen with instructions for self-construction of a flasher. In authentic format, language and appearance.
Interesting booklet full of important information. Handy book format A6.
An unique set of four postcards presenting Tag der Wehrmacht 1940, supplemented by another two Winterhilfswerk postcards. Set includes together 6 unique postcards.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
New set from Deutches Rotes Kreuz organization. Three nice detailed drawings for your nurse or doctor impression. Printed on nice old-fashioned paper as other sets.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
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Updated set of common Feldpost postcards from soldier daily life. Set includes 7 beautiful postcards from different life situations.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
Restocked set of common Feldpost postcards. Set includes 7 various postcards with Holzschnitt illustrations and Wehrmacht unit pictures.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
Updated set of Christmas postcards. Set includes 5 various postcards with Christmas theme. Printed on nice old-fashioned paper as other sets.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
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A new set of Christmas Feldpost postcards. Set includes 6 various postcards with Christmas theme. We chose really the most beautiful wartime drawings.
Back side is empty for your personal handwritten greetings.
Training reporting block suitable for group leaders and Melders. Perfect for squad trainings. Simply tear forms and distribute to the unit during exercise.
Includes 20 training sheets and 3 information pages from official booklets. Goldenyellow cover.
Meldeblock forms for group tactical battles, trainings of frontline situations, marking sentries, practicing observation sketches, making notes and many more. Suitable for squad leaders and Melders.
Includes 25 sheets for terrain sketch and report. Lightreen cover.
Set contains 8 useful repro booklets in uniform look.
Booklets contain very different topics, that are crucial for good reenacting knowledge and personal impression.
Set contains 9 repro booklets in uniform look.
Booklets contain description, usage, cleaning, calibers and other information about most known german weapons from WW2.
Some of the booklets contain large last page with blueprints.
Set contains 6 important repro booklets in uniform look.
Booklets contain fundamental information about how to behave in the field, how to estimate distances, how to measure distances and how to record notes and maps. We recommend to buy this set together with Meldeblocks for exercise.
Very rare set containing 3 unique repro booklets. It's almost impossible to collect all three original booklets, so we offer you this unique opportunity.
Booklets contain interesting information about three army structures: heer, luftwaffe and kriegsmarine (illustrated badges, uniforms etc.).
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Set contains 4 repro booklets in uniform look.
Booklets contain interesting information about unit commanding, marching, building formations and much more.
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It is great pleasure to offer these booklets once again after 80 years. It is satisfying that in few years we were able to collect all of these valuable and exceptional books and now we can offer the knowledge to you in a fractional price.
Click for more details.
Colorful promotion diploma for Nachrichten-Vorhelferinnen.
Document is A5 size.
Dienstauszeichnung certificate for universal class. Just fill your class by your own to predefined place.
Document is A4 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. klasse mit schwertern diploma.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Interesting prewar permits - identification cards in gymnastics association.
Contains 5 cards, so you can invite friends to join your sport hobby.
Interesting set of two licenses used during war. Great item for creating your historical identity.
This set contains two documents. You will need two photos to fill this ausweis.
Discounted price
1.50€ (6.00€)
RAD preliminary decision form. Printed on handy slight-yellowed paper.
This contains one document that is awaiting you for completion.
Wehrmacht 1942 comics book. More than 110 intereting pages, contains many areas of soldiers life. Beautiful sketches and short poems often wrote in Sütterlin script.
A very gentle pair of postcards for Mother's day.
Very suitable for our mothers in reenactment hobby.
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Since now you are able to create the most authentic look of your historical reenactment group. We have prepared all of three songbooks from a set "Das Neue Soldaten Liederbuch".
Set contains three songbooks and a small gift - Lili Marleen with lyrics.
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Since now you are able to create the most authentic look of your historical reenactment group. This is the final booklet from the edition.
Songbook contains 66 pages with the selection of the best german marching songs.
Since now you are able to create the most authentic look of your historical reenactment group. This is the second booklet from the edition.
Songbook contains 80 pages with the selection of the best german marching songs.
Since now you are able to create the most authentic look of your historical reenactment group. This is the first booklet from the edition.
Songbook contains 80 pages with the selection of the best german marching songs.
Interesting block of 15 explanatory illustrations about proper Gas Mask use.
Perfect aid for units that care about authenticity.
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Bekleidungsnachweis for WH-Stabshelferin. List of received equipment.
(Maybe a little gift for your reenacting wife, or friend)
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Evangelical songbook - issued by Wehrmacht. Last few pieces before new batch, enjoy discount.
Contains 96 pages. Let's look on detail photos.
Catholic songbook - issued by Wehrmacht in august 1939. Official army regulation HDv. Cover paper is very precisely chosen, has nice structure and color.
Contains 96 pages. Let's look on detail photos.
Nice and detailly reprinted permit for border crossing to outside of the German Reich. Permit type used since 1940. Product updated 2024 - cardboard.
A6 format. 1 Card.
Nice and detailly reprinted permit for border crossing to outside of the German Reich. Permit type used in 1939. Rounded corners.
Specific format, smaller than A6. Fit to soldbuch cover. 1 Card.
"Beförderung Urkunde" is your promotion diploma.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
"Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen" diploma for destroying a tank with antitank weapon.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
"Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-194 Urkunde" diploma for surviving the Russian winter.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
"Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen Urkunde" diploma for frontline fighting. Bronze-silver not stated, you can specify by writing on typewritter under heading.
Document is A5 size. Printed on our book paper (slightly yellow, natural unbleached).
Nice replica of a German work book - Arbeitsbuch. This is second variant, from all of the three types existing. We are the only provider of Arbeitsbuch reproduction.
Contains 40 pages.
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NEW SERIES. Perfect guide for german reenactors (made from original 1944).
Illustrated dictionary with phrases from every elementary aspect of soldier's duty.
Contains 112 pages (Sonderausbildung). With improved type of durable binding and authentic paper structure.
NEW SERIES. Perfect guide for german reenactors (made from original 1944).
Illustrated dictionary with phrases from every elementary aspect of soldier's duty.
Contains 80 pages (Grundausbildung). With improved type of durable binding and authentic paper structure.