Goliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manuals

Unique reproduction of original manuals for Sd.

Goliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manualsGoliath Sd.Kfz. 303 instruction manuals

Category: Instructional booklets

Item #327

Unique reproduction of original manuals for Sd.Kfz. 303 in A5 format. To be included in demolition device.

Includes 2 manuals D654-10 (instructions) and D654-11 (parts description +ilustrations).

Contains also some information about Sd.Kfz. 302. Tables contain all the part ID numbers and simple characteristics as DIN info.

Price 19.99€

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