Showing results for hashtag #werkstatt_kopf
Original german WW2 Q66 helmet M40 series 82421 from famous Quist fabrik, restored for reenactment use.
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Original german WW2 Q66 helmet M40 series 82421 from famous Quist fabrik, restored for reenactment use. New sheepskin liner (size 59) and quality leather chinstrap marked 1940. We used schiefergrau tone in matt finish with perfect aluminium-oxide texture. No decals. Check more photo details of this fabulous piece of steel.
Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak army.

Price 164.99€

Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak army. In 1939 Germany reissued some of these helmets for WH and police units. Adjustable liner size (pillow system fits every head size). Restored condition: early war apple green, new quality liner and chinstrap.
Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid dedicated for Luftschutz Hausapotheke.

Price 11.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid dedicated for Luftschutz Hausapotheke. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items at once. Please notice: internal letter parts are separated for best visual results, you need to position them manually.
Includes 1 template. Check photos.
Interesting version of Nbk smoke can for vehicle smoke launchers.

Price 44.99€

Interesting version of smoke can for vehicle smoke launchers. Original weight cca 2,2 kg. Our repro weight empty 1,4kg. Solid steel parts, totally durable and suitable for use in a field (survives any treatment). Comes empty, now with option to disassembly.
Sticker stencil for marking metal mg box with Belt loader.

Price 5.99€

Sticker stencil for marking metal mg box with Belt loader. Sticker is reusable, you can use it 3-4times.

1x sticker.
Stencils for wooden case 8cm Granatwerfer 34.
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Stencils for wooden case 8cm Granatwerfer 34. Nice design, consist of two piece stencils.

Price for one sticker stencil.
Stencil for metal case 8cm Granatwerfer 34.

Price 9.99€

Stencil for metal case 8cm Granatwerfer 34. Nice design, need to be cuted for correct placing on the crate.

Price for one sticker stencil.
Teller mine stencil for metal box.

Price 5.99€

Teller mine stencil for metal box. Version 42. Can be used 3-4 times.

Price for one sticker stencil.
Teller mine stencil for metal box.

Price 7.99€

Teller mine stencil for metal box. Version 35. Can be used 3-4 times.

Price for one sticker stencil.
Stencil for marking metal koffer with Wurfkörper grenades.

Price 6.99€

Stencil for marking metal koffer with Wurfkörper grenades. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 1 stencil that should be cut according your needs for marking two titles: content 16 Wurfkörper L. P. and overall Heeres Munition weight.
Stencil for marking metal koffer with egg grenades 39.
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Stencil for marking metal koffer with egg grenades 39. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 1 stencil that should be cut according your needs for marking three titles 30 Brennzünder + 30 Sprengkapseln , "für Tropen", content 30 Ei-Handgranaten.
Stencil for marking metal koffer with smoke stick grenades 39.

Price 6.99€

Stencil for marking metal koffer with smoke stick grenades 39. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times. Includes 1 stencil that should be cut according your needs for marking four titles 15 Nebel Brennzünder + 15 Zundlg N2, "für Tropen", content 15 Nebel Handgranate and maker GS 1939. Also contain overall weight.
Stencil for marking metal koffer with Sthg 24 content.

Price 6.99€

Stencil for marking metal koffer with Sthg 24 content. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 1 stencil that could be cut according your needs for marking three titles Kapseln un Zündern, content 15 Stielhgr. 24, and maker GS 1942 or 1938 variant.
Original german WW2 Quist 68 helmet M35 series 996, restored for reenactment use.
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Original german WW2 Quist 68 helmet M35 series 996, restored for reenactment use. New pigskin liner (size 61) and quality leather chinstrap marked 1939. We used matching early feldgrau in glossy finish. No decals.
Check more photo details. 68 sizes being restocked only once in few months.
Sticker stencil for marking metal mg box with cleaning accessories and spare tools for the gunners pouch.

Price 5.99€

Sticker stencil for marking metal mg box with cleaning accessories and spare tools for the gunners pouch. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times. Suitable also for marking Ersatzteilkasten MG42 kasten.
Includes 2x E sticker stencil (bigger for side and smaller for top marking).
Stencil for marking metal MG box with spare parts for the Waffenmeister.

Price 5.99€

Stencil for marking metal MG box with spare parts for the Waffenmeister. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 2x V sticker stencil (bigger for side and smaller for top marking).
Stencil for marking metal MG box with spare components that could be used as replacements.

Price 5.99€

Stencil for marking metal MG box with spare components that could be used as replacements. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 2x Z sticker stencil (bigger for side and smaller for top marking).
Sticker stencil for metal mg box.

Price 6.99€

Sticker stencil for metal mg box. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 2 stencil stickers (Benzin and B).
Sticker stencil for metal MG box dedicated for petroleum cans.

Price 6.99€

Sticker stencil for metal MG box dedicated for petroleum cans. Sticker is reusable, you can use it multiple times.
Includes 2 stencil stickers (Petroleum and P).
Large plastic stencil for german army boxes

Price 13.99€

Large plastic stencil for german army boxes "OBEN NICHT WERFEN" and "LUFTDICHT VERPACKT" for airtight boxes containing ammunition. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.
Includes 1 sticker with three rows.
Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters.

Price 5.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters. Sticker is reusable so you can restore all 4 side titles with one stencil. If you want to be sure with perfect results, rather take 2 stencils.
Price for 1 stencil.
Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters.

Price 6.49€

Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters. Sticker is reusable so you can restore all 4 side titles with one stencil. If you are unsure about your applying skills and want perfect results, consider taking 2 stencils.
Price for 1 stencil.
Plastic sticker stencil for less common Trinkwasser canisters.

Price 5.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for less common Trinkwasser canisters. Sticker is reusable so you can restore all 4 side titles with one stencil. If you are unsure about your applying skills and want perfect results, consider taking 2 stencils.
Price for 1 stencil.
Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters.

Price 6.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for popular Trinkwasser canisters. Sticker is reusable so you can restore all 4 side titles with one stencil. We advise to buy also 2.5l version for applying narrow Trinkwasser title for narrow canister sides.
Price for 1 stencil.
Original german WW2 helmet, restored for reenactment use.
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Size 66 suitable for liner 58/59. Original german WW2 helmet (produced in Eisenhuttenwerk Thale), restored for reenactment use. Including new liner (size 59) and quality leather chinstrap 1943. We used 100% historical matching feldgrau based on paint from 1940. No decals. Amazing steel without a single error. Check more.
Nice metal reproduction of ski mine.
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Nice metal reproduction of ski mine. Heavy weight. Limited numbers produced.

Contains 1 inert skimine with screwable S.Mi.Z.35 dummy replica (comes for free only in this initial selling series!).
Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid dedicated for Luftschutz.

Price 9.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid dedicated for Luftschutz. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.

Includes 1 template. Check photos for measurements.
Universal sticker stencil for german luftwaffe  boxes to define weight of load.

Price 8.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for german luftwaffe boxes to define weight of load. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.
Includes 1 sticker. Check photos for measurements.
Universal sticker stencil for german army boxes to define weight of load.

Price 8.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for german army boxes to define weight of load. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.
Includes 1 sticker. Check photos for measurements.
Plastic sticker stencil for Nebel kerzen.

Price 9.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for Nebel kerzen. Our new series will be done with these stencils. If you want to update your previous purchases, you can use this version. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.
Includes 1 template. Check photos for measurements.
Plastic sticker stencil for Geballte ladung box.

Price 7.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for Geballte ladung box. Sticker is reusable so you can paint multiple items.

Includes 1 template. Check photos for measurements.
Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid, medical box.

Price 9.99€

Plastic sticker stencil for first aid kid, medical box. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items. Check photos for measurements.

Includes 2 templates (one for white title + circle and separate red cross).
A completed heaters box dedicated for vehicle heating.
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A completed heaters box dedicated for vehicle heating (contains 2 separate heaters). These were used during cold to warm up engine before the start. Ideal for completizing your vehicle. This is sandblasted, repainted postwar type (same measurements), stencils added. Use with petroleum. Click for more info!
A nice looking Sprengkapsel n8 package filled with dummy wooden box (not usable, only for display purposes).

Price 14.99€

A nice looking Sprengkapsel n8 package filled with dummy wooden box (not usable, only for display purposes). In protective cardboard package, sealed, completed with marked labels.
This particular item is ideal for visual completing your boxes.
Freshly on our stock, Sprengbüchse 24 in 3Kg variant.

Price 74.99€

Freshly on our stock, Sprengbüchse 24 in 3Kg variant. Weight empty 0,6kg. Solid steel parts, totally durable and suitable for use in a field (survives any treatment). Comes empty, inert and from 2024 also openable and with quality powder paint.
Freshly on our stock, Sprengbüchse 24 in 1Kg variant.
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Big May 2023 update. Weight empty 0,5 kg. Solid steel body, totaly durable and suitable for use in a field (survives any treatment). Comes empty, inert, threads sealed and lid openable.
Enjoy new series from May 2023.
Sticker stencil for metal mg box.

Price 6.99€

Sticker stencil for metal mg box. Plastic sticker stencil for german MG boxes to mark usage for canister. Sticker is reusable so you can restore multiple items.
Includes 1 sticker.
Limited serie of steel propaganda shells.
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Limited serie of steel propaganda shells including propaganda leaflets. Intended for exhibitions or as a movie props. Three parts are demountable. None of the parts are interchangeable with the original ammo, and therefore not functional.
Steel propaganda grenade incl. 2 random sets of propaganda leaflets.
Our metal reproduction of Gewehr granate, intended for exhibitions or as a movie props.
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Our metal reproduction of Gewehr granate, intended for exhibitions or as a movie props. Three parts are demountable. None of the parts are interchangeable with the original ammo, and therefore not functional.
Includes excellent Sprenggranate reproduction in protective cardboard case.
Interesting set for bicycle units.

Price 24.99€

Interesting set for bicycle units. Complete Sprengkapsel n8 wooden box filled with 3 repro detonators, in protective cardboard package, sealed with labels. Absolutely unique and only reproduction on market. Meets all requirements to be considered an original. This particular item is ideal for completizing your bike-grenade box.
Freshly on our stock, N.
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Upgraded 2024 model, changes include: openable lid and welded handle. Original weight 2,15 kg. Our repro weight empty 1,25kg. Solid steel parts, totaly durable and suitable for use in a field (survives any treatment). Comes empty, now with option to disassembly.
A complete Sprengkapsel n8 wooden box filled with repro resin detonators, in protective cardboard package, sealed, completed with marked labels.

Price 44.99€

A complete Sprengkapsel n8 wooden box filled with repro detonators, in protective cardboard package, sealed, completed with marked labels. Absolutely unique and only reproduction on market. Meets all requirements to be considered an original.
This particular item is ideal for completizing your grenade boxes, or pionier equip.
Wehrmacht folding field stove for heating and simple cooking.

Price 24.99€

Handy Wehrmacht folding field stove for heating and simple cooking.
This product contains metal folding stove in WW2 era package, including new quality fuel in WW2 era package. Enjoy the complete sets restocked after one year.
Handy heater dedicated for vehicle heating.
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Handy heater dedicated for vehicle heating. These were used during cold to warm up engine before the start. Suitable for reenacting (heating in tents, trenches etc).
This is repainted postwar type (same shape and function), and stencils added. Fill with petroleum. Economy version of wartime that is 5x expensiver.
Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration.

Price 9.99€

Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration. Item includes 2x vent and 2x base. For helmet size 64.
Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration.

Price 9.99€

Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration. Item includes 2x vent and 2x base. For helmet size 66 or 68.
Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration.

Price 9.99€

Metal parts for WW1 helmet restoration. Item includes 2x vent and 2x base. For helmet size 62.
Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak and then Slovak army.
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Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak and Slovak army.
Restored condition: khaki color, new quality liner and chinstrap. Adjustable liner size (pillow system fits every head size).
Check more photos.
Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak army.

Price 169.00€

Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak army. In 1939 Germany reissued some of these helmets for Luftschutz units. Adjustable liner size (pillow system fits every head size). Restored condition: khaki color, new quality liner and chinstrap. Overpainted by air defense color and typical decal applied.