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Tank Races 2022 Rules

Published on 02. Jan. 2022
Visited 3858x

We feel that it is a time for a new game in 2022.

Let's compete in the famous Panzer races game with customized rules for the game of teams!


Verlag Kopf Panzer Races 2 is a team competition in which all orders count. 

The game rules are very simple:

1. Each Team is represented by a Panzer model. 

2. After each order from given Team, we move the representing Panzer further (order value 15€ = Panzer advance by one field).

Winning condition: The Team whose Panzer got the end of track as first (position 100) is the winner of the game. (In case there is no winner reaching the end until 31.12.2022, the winner is the Team that advanced the most).

Winning prize: 150€ as a credit for next purchases, eternal glory and your Team Panzer model.

2nd and 3rd prize: 50€ as a credit for next purchases and your Team Panzer model.

Races take place on a small diorama 1:100 with a track of a hundred fields marked on x-axis. Panzers are placed on the track after first valid order of given Team in our e-shop.

(Example: a passionate reenactor from Denmark registers Team KRIEG1945 and make an order of value 65€. This will make his panzer advance by 4 fields. Later he makes group order for his association of value 300€, this will make his panzer advance by 20 steps, to field number 24. Later his friend wants to buy a restored helmet for 300€, he uses team code and helps team KRIEG1945 to get 20 steps to field number 44. etc. Contact us for any further questions.).



To be included among the teams, please write us email to, or by FB messanger:
- write your team name (max. 3 words title)
- attach a logo (optional, for a Panzer flag)
- write your e-mail contact (account for adding credits).

Team names must not contain vulgarities and inappropriate words.


Each Team will receive a Team Code (use as coupon code) that will be used as identification of order during races. Share your code with friends or group members to make your Panzer more powerfull. Always input your Team Code in Shopping cart. Do not worry if you forget - simply write us email and we will accept your Team assignment within 24 hours after your order.


Do not hesitate and join the races. The year is long and your team may easily be the most successful! Enjoy some fun in 2022. 


Check the results of the first series here. The winning country customers (UK) saved together 285€ on discounts. This year the prize (150€ / 50€ / 50€ credit) goes directly to the Team account.



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