Tank Races 2020 results
Published on 05. Jan. 2021Visited 3354x
We had beautiful tank races! Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy the winnings!
Verlag Kopf Panzer Races was a novelty this year. It is a group competition (among countries) in which all orders are automatically involved.
The game rules are very simple:
1. Each country is represented by a Panzer model.
2. After each order from any country, we move the representing tank one field further.
3. The country whose tank got the farthest is the winner of the game.
Races take place on a small diorama 1:100 with a track of a hundred fields marked with an x-axis. Panzers are placed on the track after first valid order of given country in our e-shop.
The competition was launched as a celebration of 1500 facebook likes on 27th August 2020 and ended on 30th november 2020.
Main prize: 20% discount for all orders shipped to the winning country in December 2020.
After few weeks there were many countries involved. Countries with a small number of orders began to squeeze in the beginning of track, while tanks of active countries advanced.
At the beginning of November, the favorites of the race began to show. Who got behind a herd of cows had a chance to win!
All dispatched packages contained extra information about ongoing races. Soon more and more countries joint.
We needed to build enough panzers for all country participated.
Our competition took 95 days and 29 different countries have participated.
Note: All countries started with Panzer II model. As a small pleasure for active countries we updated models to Panzer III when reaching field 30, and later upgraded to Panzer IV Tiger when reaching field 50.
And the final results on 30.11.2020:
-------------------------- Panzer II. -----------------------

Thanks for participating. Hope it was fun for everyone :)
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