Feldfu project - the end is near
Published on 30. Sep. 2022Visited 955x
Welcome to another part of our big Feldfu project story! This one is about overcoming the last obstacles. During last two months we were able to adjust and finish details of many small parts that together make a perfect display. Thanks to multiple small suppliers we were able to beat various difficulties and produce final item without compromises.
You said 3D print? Oh, that's only beginning of the process. Although this technology made it possible to initialize whole project, there are many other important processing steps that make it possible to make it successful. Milling and resin bath help us to bring the similar results to smooth bakelite. Milling and CNC have proven to be a good solution to cover the shortcomings of 3D printing. |
Our "chocolate radios" during softening the 3D-layers appearance. Production of one radio case takes about 6 days.
We put some efforts to achieve special safety screws for Feldfu panel attachment. These were designed not to fall of the screw seats after detaching.
Regarding steel parts, there was lot of lasercutting. All the various hooks and hinges were cutted from 0,5-2mm thick steel. First big batch was soon followed by another. Hundreds of parts needed for one batch of radios.
Various preparations were developed to achieve good bending results for all shapes.
All the various parts and screws should fit the box so as not to interfere. Thats why we assembly all new prototypes very often. New parts are coming on daily basis and we always look forward to adding another piece of the puzzle.
Cuting plastic plates for future instruction sheets. These are the last details that add to the complete design very much.
Instruction sheets were completly redesigned in vector graphics for best visual results.
We also finished some documents that should be kept inside the back storage box. It comes from online source with a few pages missing, but overall display is very nice.
Good news are that in 1-2 months we should start distributing preordered radios. Right after that we will focus our efforts on the development of accessories (as promised: microphones, throatmics and phones).
Once again, we want to thank to you all who supported us in early stages - you helped make this product real. For all who still want to support the project, there is ongoing 2nd batch offer with nice 100€ discount.
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