Feldfu radio working unit

We offer a nice reproduction of radio drawer for those who own only a bakelite box.

Feldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unitFeldfu radio working unit

Category: Feldfu + accessory

Item #1171

We offer a nice reproduction of radio drawer for those who own only a bakelite box. This "brain" unit contains hidden modern radio, battery and antenna; connected to front panel to control on/off switch, volume and input/output devices. It is also a working standalone product, however should be carried in a box.
Price for 1 piece, you can choose version and marking.


We are opening preorders for 4th series of radios and parts now, in April 2024. Please contact us in advance - to let us know your request. We can discuss the design model you need for your impression, delivery times and price optimization.

Production is scheduled to 2024. It usually take 8-9 months to finish whole batch, so we cannot 100% guarantee delivery times in 2024 for preordering products. Throat mics and lumbar belts are still being developed.


Radio itself is connected with front panel, which is the most interesting and functional part. It contains frequency setting, battery indicator, volume and frequency tuning remote control, three connectors (1x mic, 2x phones) and on/off switch.

Overall, our Feldfu radio consists of 479 parts/rivets/screws/pads needed for completization. It is also a result of 10 months of development.

Common technical details of our Feldfu reproductions:

Powered by: commercially available walkie-talkies 400-520MHz, 8W

Frequency: PMR channel 1 and channel 10 of 446 civic range set for all our repro radios

Battery: 3800 mAh (will lasts months of sporadic use without charging)

Successful communication range, tested:

  • on 400m with obstacles: 3x block of flats
  • on 100m into WW2 bunker with 1,3m metal-concrete wall
  • direct sight on 1000m
  • direct sight on 2000m
  • direct sight on 3000m
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