Nb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openable

Freshly on our stock, N.

Nb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openableNb.K. 39 B Nebelkerzen (inert) openable

Category: Inert metal repro.

Item #436

Freshly on our stock, N.B.K 39 B Nebelkerzen. Solid steel parts, totaly durable and suitable for use in a field (survives any treatment). Comes empty, now with option to disassembly.

Original weight full 2,15 kg. Our weight empty 1,25kg.

Originally it was one-time use purpose sealed can. Our new repro series come with screwable top, so you can open it for display or fill according your needs.

No dangerous parts, newly made item. Made for display purposes.

Central thread works as original, works nice also with our repro zunders, on photo our resin Zundschnuranzunder 29 (not included).

As for stencils and paint, these can have some visual defects, as usually.

Price is per one piece.
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