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Christmas packages - Weihnachten 2019

Published on 12. Feb. 2020
Visited 3732x

Inspired by modern trends, we tried to make specialized Christmas packages during winter 2019. Based on price levels, we made three different versions:

  • a package from a friend
  • supplies package from Reich
  • and a heavy package from rich aunty, including more expensive surprise


We tried to fill each of these packages by useful repro items, but also with some original book, matchboxes or nice wartime pencils - just to add a nice touch and little bit more of historical feeling! And the results were outstanding. We got many perfect reviews that keep us going further.

We made few dozens of these, just before Christmas holidays, but many of these were able to arrive to destination country before Christmas Eve! The rest of them was distributed to frontlines after the New Year.
Packaging itself was a complex work, we spent many hours by stamping boxes and creating the feeling of package that went through many post departments. BUT we totaly enjoyed it!
We are looking forward to create a new serie for Christmas 2020. It would be hard to beat the first series, cause we spent a lot of time to find interesting original items, but we will do our best (as usually) to surprise you.
Enjoy some of the items that were in first serie:

Testing session - out for adventures
Ration, Type K a.k.a. K ration

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