Losantin box restored

Original bakelite box with Losantin solution.

Losantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restoredLosantin box restored

Category: Gas protection, masks

Item #423

Original bakelite box with Losantin solution. Restored label and tape with marking. Box is still full of original substance inside.

Nice item for chemical cleaning of skin after contamination. Label contains short instructions about usage.

We acquired whole lot of Losantin series, bottom parts are marked mostly "jpa 1943", top part "jpa 1942". Not sure why the years are mismatched, but whole serie comes like this.

Restored to 1943 version with yellow tape. Boxes had to be kept in the breast pockets of their uniform and not in the Gas mask cannister. Version 1942 comes with green tape. Picked randomly.

Each soldier was issued with multiple boxes, so we offer it also in a convenient set with brochures - check this link.

Price 12.99€

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