Field bottle strap with org parts 1liter

Great quality leather riemen with all original metal parts and original bakelite cup.

Field bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1literField bottle strap with org parts 1liter

Category: Leather equipment

Item #1164

Great quality leather riemen with all original metal parts and original bakelite cup. Enjoy Late war production design for your very accurate late war impression. Limited offer. Suitable for 1 liter size bottle.

One piece. Two-part black pork leather made according original piece.

Price 47.90€

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