Gewehrständer 10-slot

We are in process of making own Gewehrstanders inspired by originals for our purposes.

Gewehrständer 10-slotGewehrständer 10-slotGewehrständer 10-slot

Category: Misc.

Item #1038

We are in process of making own Gewehrstanders inspired by originals for our purposes. Fits common original weapons kar98, stg44, mp40, vz.24(t), but also denix reproductions and airsofts (stocks have a different slope). We don't want to store them permanently, so we will make only one batch according to customers needs in October.

Made of quality plywood with nice wooden structure.

Comes with Army markings on the side, let us know if you want to omit eagle.

Measurements 108x90cm. Shipped in 4 pieces with pins that fit together.

Shipping expected on end of October.

Price 169.00€

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