Feldküche set 1

Big set of kitchen utensils - aluminium cutlery and zinc containers accompanied by repro spices freshly repacked in our repro design packages.

Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1Feldküche set 1

Category: Ration, Feldküche sets

Item #668

Big set of kitchen utensils - aluminium cutlery and zinc containers accompanied by repro spices freshly repacked in our repro design packages.
Set contains 6 bigger zinc/brass containers with lids, 3 bakelit/glass smaller containers, slightly postwar aluminium cutlery, Feldkochbuch army handbook, pastry linen bag, 1l glass jar, 1l aluminium jar, 0,75l glass bottle and also Speisetafel chalkboard.

For the first time we also offer packed spices in authentic packages.

Cutlery obtained on local flea market, we strongly advise to clean it properly before usage. Overall condition is very good and authentic.
Heavy weight, suitable for EU courier delivery.
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