Stamp Typeset 3 Neo-Gothic
Category: Stamps
Item #655
Set suitable for creative customers that want to update their paperwork, with markings or short descriptions. Simply cut, stick and make your improvised stamps. Set of uppercase letters + numbers on rubber plate. Character height 1cm. Made of quality stamp rubber.
Plate measurements cca 10x5cm.
- cut with scissors or modeling knife
- stick to wooden pad
- mark folders, forms, letters etc.
- even with each letter represented only once, there is a big variety of words you can create, and you can always buy two plates.
Plate measurements cca 10x5cm.
- cut with scissors or modeling knife
- stick to wooden pad
- mark folders, forms, letters etc.
- even with each letter represented only once, there is a big variety of words you can create, and you can always buy two plates.
Price 29.99€