Brandkompresse metal box repro

First reproduction of burn dressing that was located in standard German medical boxes - Verbandkasten.

Brandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box reproBrandkompresse metal box repro

Category: Bandages

Item #1042

First reproduction of burn dressing that was located in standard German medical boxes - Verbandkasten.

Box is made of thin steel and could have small defects - bends and hollows - as originals. Filled with simple bandage (it is not soaked in tincture).

Overall measurements are very accurate, but shape is simplified.

Price for 1 piece.
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#first_aid_kit #verbandkasten #burn_dressing #ersatzteile #bandage #medical_items

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