Showing results for hashtag #verpflegung
Unique set of 3 foil wrapper for sweet pastry products.

Price 2.99€

Unique set of 3 foil wrapper for sweet pastry products. Comes from location near Sudeten. Produced cca 1920-1940 - maybe Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren. Makes a nice authentic touch. Preserved in perfect condition. Transparent paper foil.
Measurements: cca 40x25cm.
After great success with WW2 US rations, we now also offer British and German rations for historical events.
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German WW2 frontline rations based on original examples. Packages contain durable and easy-to-store foods, mostly produced in Germany nowadays. Content is based on historical background with reworked graphics and packed as originals. Enjoy authentic content for your frontline duty. 1 package.
Very nice wartime design of army bread wrapper.

Price 4.99€

Very nice wartime design of army bread wrapper. Printed on natural paper. Measurements of wrapper 43x15cm.

2 separate pieces to wrap two breads.
Title stated:

Price 4.99€

Title stated: "Nur für Frontkämpfer im Infanterieverband" (Only for front soldiers). Famous package for frontline soldiers. Originally contained various biscuits, candies, cigarettes and chocolate.
1 piece empty. Comes flat, cuted and prefolded. Includes internal cardboard frame.
Title stated:

Price 4.99€

Title stated: "Zusatzverpflegung für Frontkämpfer im Infanterieverband" (Additional rations for front soldiers). Famous package for frontline soldiers. Originally contained various biscuits, candies, cigarettes and chocolate.
1 piece empty. Comes as built package. Includes internal cardboard frame.